Fuelling Change: Citizens Advice SORT Secures Energy Funding Boost

We’re pleased to announce that the Energy Team at Citizens Advice SORT Group has been successful in securing further funding from the Energy Saving Trust via the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme. 

This funding guarantees that Stockport, Oldham, Rochdale, and Trafford residents will benefit from energy advice for another two years, starting from February 1st, 2024.

Our dedicated team, including Energy Advisers and a Community Engagement Officer, is committed to increasing its impact and support for our community.

What can residents expect?

Tailored energy advice through phone consultations and in-person support during our weekly drop-in sessions. For in-person session details, please visit our website or call our advice line.

Our Energy Advisers are skilled in helping with various energy-related issues, from saving energy to resolving complaints with energy providers. In addition to helping with energy issues, our advisers offer guidance on maximising income and informing about available grants.

This approach ensures people get the support they need to manage and save energy effectively, and broader support to improve their finances.

Our new funding secures the role of our Community Engagement Officer, who has been instrumental in building new connections with the community through events and partnerships with local organisations. Our Community Engagement Officer continues to provide energy advice and serves as an approachable contact for energy-related queries.’

Our Mission

We want to make a real difference in the lives of people in our community. Our goals are to:

  • Help stabilise and maximise incomes

  • Manage debts

  • Help people access better energy deals

  •  Resolve problems

  • Make sure vulnerable people get priority services

  • Advise on reducing energy consumption for long-term benefits

By concentrating on these key areas, we aim to empower people with the knowledge and tools they need to have more control over their finances and use energy more efficiently, contributing to a more sustainable future.


For media inquiries, please contact: Hayley Wright, Communications Manager at Citizens Advice SORT Group hayley.wright@casort.org

Hayley Wright